Monday, December 20, 2010

I love Christmas, too!

This video made my day!

Copy, Paste, and Check it out!

Sorry, I can't figure out how to hyperlink it...

Best lines:
"Mall Santas, I like whispering what I want, while chillin' on his thigh"
"I like my cookies like I like my panes... Frosted!"

Friday, December 17, 2010

I'm pretty sure its been too long.Add Image
But school's been busy.

Whatever, its Christmas! I get to go see my mom and daddy tomorrow. I leave in the early AM. And I have a 14 hour drive. It'll be lovely.

I'll get a white Christmas!

The kids are playing LIFE the game in class today.

It's mine. I asked for the game two years ago for Christmas... and I GOT IT!

It's soo fun, and the kids are having so much fun with it. Some are crying because of all their debt. Some are rejoicing and having twins... (I always ask for the kids' names... Makes them use their brains, and its more fun that way!)

Whatever, I leave tomorrow!

Friday, December 3, 2010

An Invasion of Memories...

An invasion of Memories...
How Powerful is that statement?
I read it, and was immediately struck by the sheer tactileness of the phrase.
(Is tactileness a word???)
And as I read it, I was immediatel assaulted by an onslaught of memories.
It was literally like an "invasion."
There's a 'trend' on facebook right now to change your profile pic to a cartoon pic from your childhood...
The point...
to raise awareness to violence against children of any sort.
I think the point is to take people back to the time in their lives when they were children. To reset that mindset. To remember what it was like to be a child.
To encourage empathy.
Because if we are empathetic, it should discourage violence.
I believe that is also the purpose behind such an aggressive word like "invasion."
As a teacher, I am constantly on the look out for any sort of child neglect, abuse or violence of any kind.
So, go ahead, take a moment to find a picture of a childhood cartoon.
I bet looking through all the images will quickly have your saying...
"Oh My Gosh! I remember watching this! This was my favorite! AND so was this! OooH yeah!"
Have a little fun, and catch that childlike spirit again. I bet will make your day a little brighter.
It may even help bring you back to a better holiday spirit, too. Remember how MERRY Christmas used to really be? Back when you had no worries, stress, bills, or anything else? and ALL you had to look forward to was a "Frosty" Christmas morning in snuggly PJ's and bright colored presents under the tree?
Childhood memories..
Merry Christmas!