Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I've noticed that alot of teachers have large bottoms.
I've figured out why.
In the month that I have taught, I have gained 4 pounds.
If I continue on this road, I will have gained 36 pounds in one school year! NOT taking Christmas and Thanksgiving into account..
That is LARGE.
But it's not from overeating. I rarely have time to eat.
5:30 am breakfasts are not what they're cracked up to be.
11:00 am lunches are too long after breakfast, but not close enough to dinner.
I think I am constantly hungry.
You would think I would lose weight.
But instead I gain 4. gross.
I just need to get back to my work out regime.
When I get my new place (October 2nd!) I will have more time. It will eliminate an hour or so of drive time. That's an hour that I can be moving my muscles.
When I say the words muscle and scissors, I pronounce the C. I know its silent, but I like to add the C C C (cat) sound to the words. It's silly.
I may be too silly.
It happens.
I had to tell my cheerleaders that I may be their friend off the court, but when we are in the gym or at a game... I'm the boss. I am the coach. Do NOT talk back to me. If I say something, it is not to be questioned.
I hate that. It's back to the whole grown up thing. It sucks. BUT its Grrrreat too!