how I put up pictures of my invites.
I wonder why I'm still at work.
I wonder what it would be like to never have to clean again?
(That's why I'm here. I don't want to go home and clean.)
I wonder why we have to work out? Why can't our bodies just naturally be right?
I wonder if I will ever really finish writing that book.
I wonder if I will actually work out tonight. (Will I use working out to procrastinate cleaning or cleaning to procrastinate working out?)
I wonder if anyone really reads these.
I wonder what my wedding will turn out to be like.
I fear that it will flop.
I think I will cry on Wednesday. I'm reading obituaries for the every 15 minutes program.
You know where the kids are "killed" by a drunk driver. They're pulled from class. And me and a counselor read what their parents have written for them to the class.
I wonder if this really makes a difference.
I wonder if I will throw up that chocolate I just ate. I think I ate too much too fast.
Isn't that the worst? Too much of a good thing I guess...
sometimes I really hate when cliches are true. It rubs my bubble the wrong way without bursting it. You know what I mean?
Have you ever just let your mind wander? I find it kind of trippy where it ends up.
But still.. I wonder...