Friday, June 15, 2012


My sister is at the age when her friends are all having babies. That means.. she's throwing showers! And I looove to do baby shower invitations.. or just little kid invites. They're sometimes the most fun because you get get really creative without all the "What's So-and-So going to think?"

This first one was a couple's shower. They did not know the sex of the baby... so I was able to play with the colors.

This next one was a book shower. We asked all the guests to bring a favorite book from childhood instead of a card. It really was a sweet shower! And FUN to boot!

This one was so pretty. It was a pearlized paper and had rounded corners. I addressed them in a pastel green. At this shower, we also designed and made little onsies for the baby!
Lucky me, I have already seen a picture of her wearing the one I made!!

That is all for now! :)

Thursday, June 14, 2012

I've been busy!

Soo, HusBen commented that I hadn't blogged in a long while.... and that's REALLY true! Not since last August.. obviously. But I've been supper busy.. what with getting married, going to Rome, Christmas, teaching.. but alas.. it's summer again and I have time to post abou my unspectular days.. :)

However, I have been doing some SPECTACULAR stationery stuff... I'm going to post pics. My wedding invitation suite... it was our special design that we (HusBen and I) worked on together. I LOVED it and STILL love it!

We had to work together for this end result. Mine was more tilted and crazy. He brought me balance. Which I think is what our relationship is really like. He balances my crazy, But somehow I ground his dreams. Does that even make sense???

We had soooo much fun reading all the replies!! We had pictures drawn, poems written, sweet words of congratulations and encouragment.... This was ABSOLUTELY one of my favorite parts, and I'm so glad we did our RSVP's this way!!

This {sliced in half obvs} was the back of our program!! We had little golf pencils in vases at the entrance to the {chapel} and each guest was given a program and pencil on their way in.
While they waited.. they filled these out and dropped them in baskets on the way out.. OMG!
When HusBen's parents picked us up after the Honeymoon, they brought these with them. The next morning while we sipped our coffee... we read these and sighed and laughed!!
I was soo glad I found this idea via Pinterest. I can't even take the credit for myself.
So, that was November.
I've done a few more invites since, and I'm excited to be working on some more now!
I'll post more later.
For now.. I'm off to do laundry!!!