So... As I sit and complain on Friday afternoon... Ben is out scheming and plotting with my sister...
It's true! Not all Lies and Deceptions are bad... Sometimes they lead to beauty!
I was to go shopping with my sister last Friday. Then we were going to go eat in downtown Fort Worth with another friend. But not until 7:30. That's late.
I eat lunch at 10:30... AM
I was hungry and beginning to get cranky.
We finally went back to her apartment from shopping.. so we could freshen up.
I was sitting and waiting on Amanda. She was brushing her teeth talking about how "B" was late.
Finally, she handed me her keys and said she'd meet me in the car... I stood with the door open talking to her roommate.
When I finally turned around.. there were roses on the ground outside the door. I quickly shut the door and shouted at my sister, "Something is going on outside your door!"
She asked me what?
"Theres roses on the ground! I think its your stalker!!!!"
I then creeped outside the door hoping there was no one there. I looked around the corner and quickly ran back into the apartment...
"THEY LEAD SOMEWHERE! I bet they lead to his apartment!"
Amanda and Abby, "Follow them! You're not afraid!"
I creeped around the corner peeking down the stairs.. The trail of roses led me down the stairs.. I had my purse up in my hands ready to hit someone if I needed to..
Then I loooked up and saw that Abby and Amanda were not following me... I looked at the trail of flowers and realized the led to the pool..
I quickly walked to the pool and found Ben waiting for me under the Cabana..
"Hello, Bright Eyes."
I quickly walked to him and he took my hand and knelt to the ground. He said..
"I tried to have our song playing, but it wouldn't work. I had a whole speech prepared for this moment, but its left my head.. But I love you and want to marry you. Will you marry me?"
I grabbed him and kissed him!
"You have to answer before you get the ring..."

Then he said some more sweet, sweet, wonderful things!
I love him with all my heart! I cannot wait to become his bride! I will spend the rest of my life loving him, laughing at AND with him, playing with him, waking everyday with him, praying with him, and just living with him!
I am engaged!

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