Thursday, August 18, 2011

Ah man...

So, school has unofficially started.

In other words, this week has been inservice week. The week when we teachers go back for training.

OR, a big waste of time.

Tomorrow is really gonna be... awesome.

I'm going to be on the news!!

I have to be at my school with the high school cheerleaders at 3:50 AM.

AND we're traveling to Dallas to be on the News 8 Daybreak.


It's not so much that I hate mornings. It's more that I hate waking up. Ever. I don't care what time it is.. and I guess really its not waking up so much as it is waking up to an alarm clock.

I like to wake up on my own. I wake up between 8 and 9 on saturdays and I'm happy.

Just sayin...

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