Friday, June 10, 2011


I JUST had internet installed at home! I'm so excited for what this means for me... ok for my wedding! I am going to write more this summer. I must! I have all the time in the world now, (I mean sort of.. what amid all the weddings and wedding parties I have..) to dedicate myself to what I truly want to do.

I had a friend call me up today out of the blue... I swear I have some of the most interesting friends. I think I'm drawn to them because they get to live the lives that I only dream of living. For instance, one friend lived abroad in Costa Rica for a year. Now she lives in D.C., this summer she is going to live in San Francisco... She's also one of the kindest, most sincere and truly loveable people that I know. Another friend is pursuing her dream of becoming a doctor, and still traveling. The other day she was in Yosimite, this weekend she is in Seattle.

The friend I spoke with today is on the verge of opening her own boutique. Of personal lable clothes. She's dreamed up some edgey name, and already bought her first round of clothes, and is talking to someone about a place today. She once broke up with her boyfriend and drove to Panama City in the dead of night. I mean who does these things?

My friends are living lives out of novels, and I'm living a life from "The Rules." Which isn't bad. I'm in love and get to spend the rest of my life with someone who loves me back. And he sees the passion and fire in me. He prods me to do the things I dream of doing.. and I lie by the pool.. happy.

I guess all I'm saying is I think I'm kindling a fire to do more with myself. I've been described as dogged before. But I'm also practical and usually my fierce determination goes towards practical things.. like getting a job, saving money, paying loans.. blah blah blah.. I need something to be passionate about..

and while I'm on the subject of passion... I get to REALLY start planning my wedding! I want to meet with this lady and talk about what we can do to transform my wedding space.. I also want to make these http:// They're pretty much AMAZING! Maye I'll post my own how to with pictures!

Maybe this is my passion.. :)

1 comment:

  1. Yay Faith! I feel so honored to make it on your blog! I think your passion is writing. I've heard some of your poems, and they are always well thought out and sincere... and I think you'd be amazing at writing children books! Love you faithy
