Friday, August 26, 2011

Start times

First week of school... Done. almost. In like 6 hours, but thats ok. It's Friday.

So, my school starts at 7:10 am. Everyday. That means I get here at 6:30. Just to get things done. Which is fine.

But people have been mentioning to me about how its not a good thing to start so early.
And honestly, I remember reading research on this in college. But the thing is... we also learned that no matter what you're looking for you can always find 'research' to support it. So, can we assume that most research is slightly subjective?? Kinda?

So, this study:

Says that teenagers have a later to sleep and later to rise time biologically. It says that the brain produces melatonin from 11pm to 8 am. So, that is why they are still so sleepy in the early classes.

Here's what I don't understand... How do your body know what time zone it is in?? When I go to Rome, will my body produce melatonin on its time zone or stay on mine?

OOOOOR, perhaps does our body start producing these chemicals a certain time after we've been awake, and therefore we can change this???

Not sure if this really makes sense, but I know what I mean. Do you?

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