Monday, August 8, 2011

Um, Nevermind

I take it back! I do not want a project, or something to do.

I do not want to wake up at 7 am. I do not want to do cheer stuff at 8 am.

But I do. And I do Love it.

I walked into my classroom today. First time since May. And apparently its been taken over by band. Band chairs and music stands were all over the space. So, I can't do anything to the room yet. Good thing they pay us to be there next week. :) I'll do it again..

and just so, everyone knows, little kids really do make scary movies scarier. No question about it.

I also JUST realized I only have about 3 months to get this whole wedding shindig done. That's ok.. Next, on the list... Pick suits for the guys. Lets get it done!

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