Wednesday, August 3, 2011

WHAT?! its almost noon??

Seriously though. I wake up at 8 am, and I haven't done much. This last week of summer is kinda dragging on. I need a project. I need energy. I need motivation.

But I think I'll just go to the pool.

Work on my non-exsist tan.

But first, a quick anecdote... I got a washer and a dryer! Horrah! My brother and fiance lugged them up to my third floor apartment and put them in their prospective spots. I went to the store..

LOWES!! I bought the hoses and the dryer vent. Very proud of myself, if I must say so, and I DO! BUUUT, I forgot the drainage hose for the washer... apparently that's REALLY important. :/

So, Tuesday (after I drop my car at the body shop-completely other story that frankly I'm surprised I did not blog about-and pick up a lovely toy car rental) I head over to Lowes again and buy the drainage hose AND clamp... see I knew I needed that special little thing.

I go home, and darnit I'm going to do this myself! I had already asked the fiance to help me, but he didn't want to go to Lowes.. blah blah blah. So, being the hard headed, independent, do-it-myself kinda girl that I am, I hopped behind the washer, got my flat head screwdriver and put the hose and clamp on.

I was very proud of myself! Obviously..But then it wouldn't turn on. I looked at the breaker box, nothing... OH the water.. I have to turn the water on.. BUT I can't. It was turned off really tightly, so I relinquish and wait.

Brother and Fiance both come over that night. Fiance turns on the water. Viola! it works... but its making a God awful noise.. Brother goes to check it out finally... and well THERE'S WATER FRIGGIN EVERYWHERE!!!!!!!!!!

Fiance quickly pulls out the washer and we see the water gushing out my not so tightly clamped clamp. My Bad.

To make matter worse.. I was washing a load of towels. So, most of my towels are already wet... I grab the towels that didn't fit and we start trying to soak up the water.. and ITS HOOOOOOT water!!! why is it hot?!?! I put it on cold.. it BURNS! My bad again. I hooked them to the wrong wall faucets...

So, now we're grabbing the towels out of the washer, because even though they're kinda wet, the floor is way more wet! And fiance says "I think I made a mistake I took the hose off completely and now its coming out really fast." HIS BAD!

Then, we have a bright idea! cups! We'll use cups like we're bailing out a sinking row boat (which obviously this situation feels like). Now, we have an assembly line, and only three large cups.

Finace squatting behind the washer catching the water in a cup handing it to me. I hand him and empty cup and hand the full cup to Brother. Brother empties it and hands it back to me.. and well youget the idea.. except since we waited so long.. the floor took up most of the water, and we only filled up like 4 cups..

So much for quick thinking in a crisis.. :)

Anyways, as soon as the water stopped, Fiance put the hose on and the clamp on and tightened it really well with the twisty bolt wrench thing, and then it worked perfectly!

Now, we know for next time.

OH! PS. You can win a pair of custom painted TOMS at I think I will get some Timberview Wolves ones for football season.. Won't I be the coolest teacher/coach this year?? Maybe even start a trend at the school!


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