Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs

I'm pretty sure I learned this in every class that I ever took with Dr. Horner.
I was SO sure I would never ACTUALLY need this.
I taught it to my students today.
We actually had a pretty good time with it.
I think.
They will probably never use it again...
unless they are in an FCS or pychology class again.

In other news, I have my awesome class again tomorrow.
Choose to call them awesome.
Power of Positive thinking.
I have to come up with extra work for them everyday, because they act like kinderkids.
It's ok. We'll fix it. :)

I also have my first JV football games tomorrow.
Two games. Back to back.
Don't let my enthusiasm fool you.
I'm excited.

It's 5:00 pm.
I've been here since 6:45 am
I'm going home.

My need right now is sleep and food.
That's level one.
Basic Needs.
Physiological Needs.
I think I will go home and work out instead.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Grown Ups

This past week has been ridiculously crazy. I haven't even had time to type it all. All last week, I was in new teacher training. It was information OVERLOAD! I'm not sure I remember it all. I DO know that I need to sign up for all my health care stuff though. But even that is a big WHAT? on my radar right now.
It's strange going from a part time job with no healthcare, to an adult job that has all these things that are provided. I guess that's a perk of being a grown up.
I'm not sure I'm really a grown up, yet.
At least not in my heart.
But have new grown up choices to make.
And they keep coming.
Sometimes I wish they would stop...
But then I remember that with being a grown up.. comes salary = money = more freedom. But it also bring responsibility = not as much freedom.
Being a grown up is an oxymoron.
Not sure I like it... at least not all of it.
I wanna be a Toys R Us Kid.
But the kids have so far been great. I mean I have a small classroom with 34 desks in it.
My largest class is 37 students. One of those students has his own aid.
That's 38 people.
Not including me. I gave up my chair yesterday.
I also made a young man give his up for a girl.
He sat on the floor.
I will FORCE chivarly on these students.
I have a LARGE cupcake on my wall. I think my interior design students are more excited about it than my nutrition kids. Ha.
I eat breakfast at 5:30 in the morning.
I don't have lunch til 11.
I starve myself at work.
I was told to pack snacks.
It doesn't work.
Grown ups don't eat correctly or at the right times.
As a grown up, I will also have to live alone = eat alone = watch the bachelor pad alone = alone.
Why do we move so quickly and hungrily towards being a grown up.. only to realize it's not what we really want?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I went to the school the other day. To pick up my text books.
I walked to the text book AP's office and strode in.
He told me he would be with me in 'just a moment.'
When he came back out of his office, he asked me "So, what are we doing today?"
I answered him, "Well, I'm the new FCS teacher, and I need to pick up my books, so I can get a head start."

"OOH! You're a teacher?! I'm Mr. G-. I thought you were a student here for text book duty."
Mr. G- then proceeded to introduce me to the other AP Mrs. R-.
"This is our new FCS teacher. See why I thought she was a student?"

This is going to be a great year.

The administration thinks I'm a student, and I think there are WAY too many AP's.
How many assistant principals do we need?
Will I EVER get them all straight?

I had my new teacher training today.
ALOT of information, in 4 hours.
I hope I don't screw any of it up.

I learned that I have to be VERY careful about the information I put out in the cyber world.
Good thing no one follows me.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I saw my classroom for the first time yesterday. Somone else inhabits it still... Coach Johnson. But it's ok. I found the correct people, and got everything figured out.
He'll be moving out...
I already brought my first box of things in...
The principal's secretary told me she has a dolly for me to bring everything in on...
I think I only have That one box of things...
Maybe I should buy some more... just so I don't look like a complete newbie..
I DO have a whole list of things to buy... and I only JUST started the list.
Teaching is expensive.
I also met my cheer squad for the first time yesterday!
I walked up, and the 10th grade girls yelled all at once...
"Oh! She's Cute!"
"She's our size!"
"Is that your twin?" (My sister was there.)
I was a little apprehensive at first...
So, I made them goodie bags. Just to butter them up and let them know I'm cool.
They loved the bags!
I showed them where my room will be, they said.
"This is where we can hide during the year when we need to get away."
Not sure why I came across as the easy cheer coach/teacher.
Oh, well.
I'm excited!