Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I went to the school the other day. To pick up my text books.
I walked to the text book AP's office and strode in.
He told me he would be with me in 'just a moment.'
When he came back out of his office, he asked me "So, what are we doing today?"
I answered him, "Well, I'm the new FCS teacher, and I need to pick up my books, so I can get a head start."

"OOH! You're a teacher?! I'm Mr. G-. I thought you were a student here for text book duty."
Mr. G- then proceeded to introduce me to the other AP Mrs. R-.
"This is our new FCS teacher. See why I thought she was a student?"

This is going to be a great year.

The administration thinks I'm a student, and I think there are WAY too many AP's.
How many assistant principals do we need?
Will I EVER get them all straight?

I had my new teacher training today.
ALOT of information, in 4 hours.
I hope I don't screw any of it up.

I learned that I have to be VERY careful about the information I put out in the cyber world.
Good thing no one follows me.

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