Wednesday, August 4, 2010

I saw my classroom for the first time yesterday. Somone else inhabits it still... Coach Johnson. But it's ok. I found the correct people, and got everything figured out.
He'll be moving out...
I already brought my first box of things in...
The principal's secretary told me she has a dolly for me to bring everything in on...
I think I only have That one box of things...
Maybe I should buy some more... just so I don't look like a complete newbie..
I DO have a whole list of things to buy... and I only JUST started the list.
Teaching is expensive.
I also met my cheer squad for the first time yesterday!
I walked up, and the 10th grade girls yelled all at once...
"Oh! She's Cute!"
"She's our size!"
"Is that your twin?" (My sister was there.)
I was a little apprehensive at first...
So, I made them goodie bags. Just to butter them up and let them know I'm cool.
They loved the bags!
I showed them where my room will be, they said.
"This is where we can hide during the year when we need to get away."
Not sure why I came across as the easy cheer coach/teacher.
Oh, well.
I'm excited!

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