Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maslow's Heirarchy of Needs

I'm pretty sure I learned this in every class that I ever took with Dr. Horner.
I was SO sure I would never ACTUALLY need this.
I taught it to my students today.
We actually had a pretty good time with it.
I think.
They will probably never use it again...
unless they are in an FCS or pychology class again.

In other news, I have my awesome class again tomorrow.
Choose to call them awesome.
Power of Positive thinking.
I have to come up with extra work for them everyday, because they act like kinderkids.
It's ok. We'll fix it. :)

I also have my first JV football games tomorrow.
Two games. Back to back.
Don't let my enthusiasm fool you.
I'm excited.

It's 5:00 pm.
I've been here since 6:45 am
I'm going home.

My need right now is sleep and food.
That's level one.
Basic Needs.
Physiological Needs.
I think I will go home and work out instead.

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