Saturday, November 6, 2010


I've noticed that most Brittanys I know are rather outspoken. They often just say what's on their mind. I know its wrong to stereotype, but when it's true.. it's true.

Growing up, my sister's best friend was named Brittany. Britt would say whatever came to her mind. I can't even count the amount of time we had to stop her from going off on someone just becuase they had upset her. She still does this. When she was pregnant it was like she was a teenager with no filter again. Once at church she called her husband over to her, she then proceded to tell someone that they way they were talking about her behind her back was gossip and that they needed to stop. She told them that her husband was the biblical witness that she was handling the situation correctly. He later told her she needed to tell him before she pulled a stunt like that again.

But like I said she speaks her her mind.

Now, I have two students named Brittany and holy moley! Brittany 1 is just mouthy. I had to step in the middle of her and another student. She is maybe 5'2" and the other student is a 6'3" boy! But she wasn't stopping. She felt he was wrong and he needed to know it. I felt like she was about to be squashed like a bug. She is a self proclaimed B*#ch.

Finally, there is Brittany2. She is GT (gifted and talented) which really means, genuinely tiring. She always asks 'out of the box' questions which are actually just stupid questions. It's annoying. But yesterday, she had her own life lessons with Brittany session.

Someone in class said tampon, and all the boys potested the use of the word. Brittany spoke up.. no worries. "All you boys who think they want to be married one day need to grow up. Tampons, period, blood, and hormones will be a part of your monthly life. Grow up. At least tampons are better than pads. Pads are just bloody diapers."

Thanks Brittany. I wanted my class to end with the picture of bloody diapers in the head's of my students.

But still.

It's true.

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