Friday, July 22, 2011

4 more weeks

I only have 4 weeks of summer left. My first year of teaching was.. Awesome to start with, and by the end of the school year, I completely understood the importance of Summer. Being cooped up in those small rooms, TRYING to teach those children became a burden and not a blessing anymore. But as the return to school looms quietly in the future, I am alreayd beginning to want to go back. OF COURSE I would rather be a teacher on summer all the time, because come on, I'm getting paid to catch up on my tv and to work out and work on my tan (which I have not done well at all.. I'm pasty!) But seriously, I'm ready for this next year's challenge. I've already started planning, in the most general form of planning (ie: making lists of what I think I want to teach and about how long it will take to teach no specifics as of yet.)

But today, I was reading my proverbs and 22:1 says a good name is more desireable than riches. And I think that by the end of the year, I didn't care anymore. My 'good' name may have been no more. I was merely going through the actions. The kids didn't want to be there and because that made my job 'sooo hard' I didn't want to be there. My GOAL for this year is to not give up. My GOAL is to keep on keepin' on throughout the entirety of the year. I CAN! I mean yes this year will be different, goodness I'm getting married in NOVEMBER! WHAT am I thinking? its the middle of the semester practically, but at least I will still be in the disillusionment part of the year. I will still be loving it even if I am a little stressed and scattered :)

BUT then I will be married! I think that will be a good thing, because like I was jsut telling Ben. He's my best friend, and I will then be getting to spend as much time as I want with him. Sure, I don't get to see my sister as much, but that's actually ok. I miss her, but like someone said, it will be good for both of our marriages.

With ALL that being said, I'm out. ITS FRIDAY! (I know I don't work right now but Fridays are STILL exciting!!)

hugs and kisses

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