Thursday, July 28, 2011


So, earlier this week, I was in an accident, and now I have to get my car fixed.

Sooo, Ben and I are sharing a car.. it's nice having that possiblity. :)

I like him.

But still, I took him to work at 6:45 this morning.. Sooo, I'm up!

I have stuff to do, but I really don't want to.

What makes me move though, is lists!

I love lists... they can be kinda a kick in the butt, which we all need sometimes...

I make lists when I pack, when I shop, when I teach, when I clean, when I travel, when I plan (duh). and so on and on and on...

But my new computer has this handy little stickynote thing.. and its AMAZING!! I have so many stickynotes all over my computer! Any time I think of something I list it!

Yep. Now, I'm gonna go get list happy... on REAL sticky notes!

Hugs and Kisses

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