Wednesday, November 10, 2010


name Pictures, Images and Photos
So. I'm grading tests.
I was at the school til 6 last night gradeing tests. These tests are awful.
I EVEN let them use their notes. I'm pretty sure that the average for my first block is a 76.
These students are usually my favorite class. I'm a little upset. Not going to lie.
Names I won't be using for my children.
Chris, Whitney, Jada, Nicole, Colin, Darion...
It's like this episode of "How I Met Your Mother." Lilly has certain names that she refuses to use for her children because of their crazy antics in class.
I refuse to use these names because they make me want to pull my hair out.
That's the life of a teacher.
On Kidd Kraddick this morning, they've been talking about names.
I LOVE NAMES! I love knowing the meaning of names.
I have a baby girl name picked out. I HOPE I never meet a student with this name.
Check out It has a fun blog on it.
I like it.
I like it alot.
Also, by the name that people call you, it changes your personality. Its not astrology. It Nameology. It's like the power of confession.
By what you are called daily, creates who you are.
That is why our family chose not to call my adopted brother Rueben. It means "My Misery."
No, thank you.
This is the website to find out what your name means about your personality.
I'm going to take a break and check out my name.
Post me yours!
It's supposed to be eerily true!

Your first name, Faith, creates an independent, forthright, practical nature.

You desire to work on your own or to occupy positions of authority where you have opportunities to organize an area of interest and where your decisions are heeded.

You want to be successful financially and have an interest in investments and stocks.
Being consistent and stable in your nature, you are decisive, capable, and efficient, though not always tactful in expressing your opinions.

Your appreciation of art and music is focused around how to make these activities into viable financial opportunities.

At times, you create misunderstandings with others as it is not easy for you to be diplomatic.
Although the name Faith creates the urge to be creative, independent, and self-sufficient, we point out that it causes a materialistic, somewhat self-opinionated approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities.
What do you think? Is this me?
What or Who are you?


  1. too!
    unfortunate, really. usually a "whitney" is on the bright side. you must have a dud.

  2. Your first name of Natalie gives you a poised, gracious, and reserved nature. right on target.

    You are capable and clever and would excel in executive positions.

    As you are a private person, it is a challenge for others to get to know and understand you.

    Your reticence has caused you to suffer aloneness and misunderstandings.

    You would like to be easy-going and spontaneous but it does not come easily.

    You can express yourself better through writing than verbally.

    The mysteries of life appeal to you in your search for an understanding of the greater picture of life.

    You love to read and can develop great powers of concentration.
    Although the name Natalie creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it causes a materialistic approach that frustrates higher humanitarian qualities.

    This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the heart, lungs, bronchial area, and reproductive organs.

  3. also go to!! and look up your name! ha

  4. Oh, Nat, I think your name analysis was practically spot on. And yes, urbandictionary is always, always, always a hoot.
